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700 Preschoolers Gather at Largest Preschool Sports Meet
700 preschoolers from Kinderland, NurtureStars and ELFA marked the nation’s celebration of 50 years of National Service in a combined effort through the simple gesture – a salute. For the first time, preschoolers from [...]
Kinderland Joins in the National Observance Ceremony at Ministry of Education Headquarter
Kinderland Joins in the National Observance Ceremony at Ministry of Education Headquarter, officiated by Mr Ong Ye Kung, Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) & Second Minister for Defence and Mr Ng Chee [...]
Kinderland Proud to be part of the Ministry of Manpower National Day Observance Ceremony
Kinderland Preschool at Ministry of Manpower (MOM) were proud to be part of MOM’s National Day Observance Ceremony. The event was presided by Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister for Manpower and Mrs Josephine Teo, [...]
Kinderland performs at the Revenue House National Day Observance Ceremony
In conjunction with Singapore’s 52nd birthday and to commemorate NS50, the Kinderland children from Revenue House performed a patriotic song “This is my Land” at the IRAS National Day Observance Ceremony. Dressed in the [...]
女宪兵转当幼教教师 看到童真 找回快乐 黄贝盈 报道 [email protected] 步出军营,走进小教室!妇女拒当英姿飒爽的女宪兵,改当谆谆善诱的幼教教师,从幼儿的童真,找到自己的快乐。 30年前,陈花蕾(63岁,幼教教师)巾帼不让须眉,入伍从军,成为新加坡宪兵部队的一员,但她却在服务三年后毅然转行,加入幼教行业。 如今的她,已是杨厝港馨乐园的资深华文教师,拥有27年的丰富教学经验。 在为新进教师提供指导的同时,她也兼管着托儿所华文课程的设计与执行情况。 陈花蕾受访时说,刚加入托儿所之际面临不少挑战,除了需要照顾好幼儿,工作时间也较长,但她都凭着自己对幼教教育的热忱,将这些困难一一克服。 为了自我增值,她还主动考取幼教教学专业文凭。 单身的她表示,自己出身大家庭,很享受与幼儿的接触与互动,其弟妹的孩子都是由她帮忙带大的。 她说,纯真的孩子常能为她带来新的想法,帮助她构思新的教学策略。 “孩子们总是充满想象力,我在接触他们的同时也收获了不少惊喜。” 坚持带两三岁幼儿班 坚持带二至三岁的幼儿班,陈花蕾直言更有成就感。 陈花蕾一度负责看顾五至六岁的幼儿班级,但她之后还是自荐负责二至三岁的班级,包括现在这个由20名三岁孩童组成的班级。 在托儿所,年纪越小的小朋友,往往需要更多的照顾,老师因此会更费神,可是陈花蕾却还是接受了挑战。 她表示,看着小朋友们在生活上逐渐能够自理,甚至从完全不谙华语,到开始使用简单的华语进行交谈,她感到无比满足。 “小朋友们成长得很快,这让我非常有成就感。” Source: 晚抱新闻Lian He Wan Bao, © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. [...]
Military cop turns teacher
Children are full of imagination. Whenever I interact with them, I always find myself surprised. I often get new ideas from them to create new strategies in teaching. AFTER working [...]