Kinderland Preschool at Ministry of Manpower (MOM) were proud to be part of MOM’s National Day Observance Ceremony. The event was presided by Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister for Manpower and Mrs Josephine Teo, Second Ministery for Manpower. This year, 30 children performed a skit entitled “Eat Healthily” and a combined dance performance entitled “This is my Land ”.
The skit was about a boy named Barrylyn. He was told by his mother to eat healthier food and do more exercise, so that he will be ready to be a soldier when he grew up. Barrylyn did not heed his mother advice and ate too much junk food. As a result, he became very plump and was teased by his friend as “Barrylyn the Blueberry”. The skit was to educate everyone that it is important to stay and eat healthily.
Our 5 & 6 years old also did a dance performance entitled “This is my Land”. In celebration of National Service 50 (NS50), children wore little soldier uniform, sang with pride and joy of being a Singaporean.
Token made by the children and their parents were presented to both ministers at the closing ceremony.

The children posed with the Mr Lim Swee Say (second row, right), Minister of Manpower and Mrs Josephine Teo (second row, left) , Second Minister for Manpower and Foreign Affairs.

Tricia Khong (K2) presented to Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister of Manpower a glass potpourri made by her and her mother, Mdm Chew Ee Tien

Torrence Tan from Kinderland Preschool, MOM presented a glass potpourri made by his him and his mother, Mdm Evelyn Koh for Mrs Josephine Teo, Second Minister for Manpower and Foreign Affairs.

Children joined in the choral singing with their parents.