During the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, business units of the Crestar Education Group (CEG) had in various ways expressed and given their support and encouragement to those affected by the disease, as well as frontliners, in China and Singapore.
Kinderland, a member of CEG, show of solidarity has been captured in a short video in March 2020.
CEG has close ties with China through its preschool presence and training institution collaborations for some 30 years. It has about 1,500 teachers and staff and 7,000 children in its Kinderland and sister-brand, ELFA preschool, network in China that were affected by the mandatory closure of schools and lockdown of cities.
Children from Kinderland in Singapore, crafted messages on cards and posters urging their counterparts in China and frontliners there to “fight on” against the virus.

Kinderland children coming together to make a card to cheer on the frontliners
Kinderland led a fund-raising exercise, together with other key business entities in response to the call by the Singapore government to donate through the Singapore Red Cross to China and other affected countries. The Group managed to raise a total of S$8,000 in a short period of 2 weeks for the cause.

Kinderland children donating to Red Cross Singapore through a pledge card

Kinderland children with Mr Seet Lee Kiang, Kinderland’s General Manger, presenting the cheque to Red Cross representative
The spontaneous acts of empathy and solidarity from our preschool children, parents, teachers and staff have been overwhelming and we thank all of them for their effort. In particular, the activities have also helped to lift the spirit of our young children and allowed them to learn how important and meaningful it is to support and care for those in need in times of crisis.