All Kinderland staff picked up tips on how to better guide children with developmental needs. Their learning stemmed from this year’s virtual Professional Development Day on 22 July 2022.
This event also included educators from sister brands of the Crestar Education Group, ELFA and NurtureStars. Organised by KLC International Institute (KLCII), the programme was themed “Understanding children: Insights into inclusivity and diversity” and had three concurrent topics. It was focused primarily on inclusive education to support the Early Childhood Development Agency’s (ECDA) initiative to equip more educators to identify and better guide children with developmental learning needs.
In her opening speech, Dr Carol Loy, Director of Curriculum & Professional Development, Kinderland, said: “We believe that every child must be given the opportunity to develop at his or her own pace. It is our professional undertaking to learn to understand the different learning needs of every child. We can then cater our teaching according to their strengths and differences.”

Dr Carol Loy sharing about the importance of practices that encourage inclusive education for children with learning needs.
In addition to two topics on inclusive education, participants also had the opportunity to participate in a synchronous learning workshop. The workshop was titled “Agile Problem-Solving in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) World”. The session was designed to support teachers in becoming in addressing the evolving learning needs of preschool-age children.