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STEM Teaching & Learning: A view from US by Mr Jeff Winokur, Wheelock College USA
Hailing from the prestigious Wheelock College (USA), Mr Jeff Winokur was invited by Kinderland to share more on the Western approach to STEM learning. Mr Winokur is a nationally recognized expert in designing and [...]
Kinderland – Marine Parade Reopens with new Infant Care services and facilities
Kinderland - Marine Parade reopens this year with a new service in Infant & Toddler Care as well as brand-new facilities such as the Self-Help Kitchenette and Piazza. The first few months of a [...]
Kinderland Wins ECDA Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Development
Kinderland bagged the ECDA Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Development 2018: Early Childhood Innovation Award – Distinction! The project that won the award, S.T.R.E.A.M. Project: S.T.R.E.A.M. Through Discoveries, is put together by the [...]
Faces of Kinderland – 5 Questions with Ms Tan Hway Lui, Senior Teacher & Chinese Coordinator at Kinderland Yio Chu Kang
In our second iteration of Faces of Kinderland, we speak to Ms Tan, one of Kinderland’s longest serving teachers with 28 years in Kinderland! Chen Laoshi, as the children fondly refer to her, almost [...]
Centralized Early Childhood Teachers Conference For Kinderland: Smart Learning for 21st Century
170 teachers from Kinderland’s 16 centres across Singapore attended the much-anticipated annual centralized training spearheaded by Crestar Education Group on 20th July. The Kinderland teachers joined more than 400 educators from NurtureStars, Skool4kidz and [...]
2018 National Day Observance Ceremony Performance by Kinderland Preschool @ Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
Kinderland Preschool @ Ministry of Manpower (MOM) was invited to be part of the annual MOM National Day Observance Ceremony 2018. The event was held at the NTUC Auditorium and was graced by Guest [...]