Coding was incorporated into Kinderland’s core curriculum in 2019 to benefit our students at no additional cost. It complements Kinderland’s S.T.R.E.A.M. programme – Science, Technology, Reading and wRiting, Engineering Arts and Mathematics. Coding equips children with the 21st century foundational skills and coding awareness to thrive in the digital age.

Our latest findings indicate an average of two out of five parents showing keen interest in Kinderland’s coding programme. Compared to the pre-Covid period, the interest level was one out of five. And this number is growing.

We believe that early exposure to coding helps students of nursery to kindergarten levels develop computational thinking and reasoning skills that are essential for a technology-reliant future.

Children learn to read and input instructions for the robot through a programming app. The children need to display sound understanding of the instruction and put it into practice by programming the robot’s movement.

Coding activities also help the children to develop critical thinking, patterning ability, creativity, effective communication and the confidence and skills to manipulate basic tech gadgets. In addition, we hope they will further nurture our children’s interest in innovation and awareness of the benefits of I.T.

A teacher guides the children on the steps to take and gives them space to self-explore thereafter.

Using age-appropriate introductory programmable gadgets and applications, the children learn how to manoeuvre and navigate the gadgets. Through these fun and engaging methods, children also gain confidence as they achieve expected outcomes for their assigned challenges.

Computational thinking helps children identify problems and seek solutions (programmes) that computers can execute.

Children’s competencies in gadget awareness, programming, coding play behaviours, and the use of appropriate coding vocabulary are evaluated every semester. Children are also given the room for innovation to help them develop their creativity and potential.

Watch us on Channel News Asia to learn how Kinderland made coding a part of our curriculum.