Professor Meng Ying-Ru from the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan addressing over 100 teachers
Kinderland is committed in ensuring our teachers have the appropriate support they need to provide high quality care and education to our children.
Kinderland was honoured to have Professor Meng Ying-Ru from the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan conduct two sessions on “Positive Behavioural Interventions and Support” (PBIS) and “Multi-faceted Classroom Management” for our teachers and staff. The sessions, held on 13 and 14 October 2023, was attended by close to 100 Kinderland teachers.
Dr Carol Loy, Kinderland’s Director of Curriculum and Professional Development shares “With a deeper understanding of children’s learning challenges, our teachers can empower these young minds with tailored strategies, fostering an inclusive and nurturing learning environment where every child can thrive.”
Dr Meng specialises in learning disabilities, and emotional and behavioural disorders. She holds a master’s degree in Educational Counselling and a Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Pittsburgh in the US.

Professor Meng Ying-Ru sharing on classroom management techniques and tools
The Classroom Management masterclass focused on prepping the education team in managing issues and challenges at centres and discussed solutions together. The session also touched upon the emotional challenges of working in the early childhood sector.

Teachers actively seeking answers to common classroom struggles
During the PBIS masterclass, Dr Meng covered topics such as behavioural analysis, to identify causes of behavioural problems and design intervention strategies. It also covers positive behaviour support, equipping teachers with classroom management strategies at the prevention, non-verbal, and verbal levels. Techniques were shared to provide support to children and foster positive behaviour.

Professor Meng Ying-Ru providing facilitating breakout groups discussions
A Kinderland’s teacher, Ms Dong Wenjing shared how the session had benefitted her. She gained more understanding on the approach and positive mindset when handling emotional and behavioural issues in young children. She also shared “Through specific case analyses, I learned that empathy is crucial, and both infants and teachers need to learn how to express frustration.” By learning to address behavioural issues exhibited by children at different cognitive levels in a class has helped her maintain a smooth delivery of her teachings.